Risk profiling is a crucial step in the financial planning process. It helps you identify the optimal level of risk that is just right for you as an investor. Your risk profile is broadly a factor of:

  • Your risk appetite and
  • The risk you need to take to achieve your planned financial goals.

Risk profiling will go a long way in keeping your investments in sync with your risk tolerance.

Analyse Your Risk Profile

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This questionnaire is a general guide and the results are based on our understanding about your risk profile and is meant for illustration purposes only. It is designed to assist you to get a better understanding and help you identify suitable scheme based on your risk profile. However, we do not directly or indirectly give any assurance/guarantee that investing according to this recommendation will give you good/profitable returns. The recipient(s) before acting on any information herein should make his/their own assessment and consider consulting with a financial professional for a more comprehensive risk assessment tailored to individual circumstances.