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Child Future Saving

What is Child Future Saving?

One of the most important aspirations in a parent’s life is to provide for and secure your child’s future. Starting with the education of the child right up to their marriage, the responsibilities of parents towards their children can seem endless. Every parent knows that you have to start setting aside a certain sum of money for your child’s needs as early as possible.But with all the ‘noise’ generated in the various media about several investment products designed to meet a child’s needs, parents normally end up confused and indecisive.

Invest and secure your little one’s future

Finance will hand-hold you in identifying and quantifying each objective that you wish for your children and help you save up systematically for each one over a set period of time.We will then suggest an ideal mix of various investment options catered to achieving each of these goals and monitor the same through its life cycle, suggesting corrections, whenever necessary. We will also help you secure their future through appropriate life and medical insurance.

  • Tax Advantages: Retirement savings often come with tax benefits, such as contributions to traditional accounts being tax-deductible, or earnings growing tax-deferred until withdrawal.
  • Compound Growth: The power of compounding allows retirement savings to grow exponentially over time, as both the principal and interest earn returns.
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Please feel free to contact us. We will get back to you within 1-2 business days. Or just call us now.

  • +91 9818405753
  • fundz369@gmail.com